
Before I just dive into the nitty gritty, let me introduce myself and tell you what the hell it is you're reading. 

My name is Jessie, I'm a mommy to 10 month old twin girls, enjoy long naps on the couch, and lots of sass and sarcasm. If you don't like the last two things....well, you probably won't like me or what this blog has to offer....

Still with me? Oh good! I love snarky people! That's not what this blog is about, although there will be plenty of it. No, I'm hear to talk about the realities of becoming a parent. Not the What to Expect When Expecting version, or the version you hear from your Nanna....the truth.

The thing is, I absolutely LOVE being a mom, it's the bee's knee's. It's just that I'm a bit of a realist. Some might say callused, or pessimistic even. Those sound so derogatory, so I'm just not a fan. I recognize that the sun doesn't shine out of my babies rear sides, and I also realize that there is no such thing as perfect. You know what, though? Imperfect is perfect for me!

I have always felt like sort of an outsider in my mommy circles. They don't seem like the mom's that would lose their patience or get ruffled. Cute moms that look nice and their kids look nice, and they have nice homes and everything is....nice. They are lovely women and I am privileged to have them as part of my village. But I can't be real, and it pains me, because I'm fearful of judgement or that maybe I won't get invited to crafty play dates any more.

 These are my perfectly imperfect girls! They enjoy not sharing, pickles, yogurt, mommy, and eating things that aren't food. I love them with every fiber of my being. 

Any ways, where was I...? Oh yeah! It's difficult to deal with the trials and tribulations of parenthood when it seems like nobody wants to talk about it. Its so Taboo to be anything but loving and full of adoration for your babies. But the truth of the matter is that it can be very difficult for new parents to adjust to their roles, moms and dads alike. Throw in hormones and its like we're begging for a disaster! I just want to talk about what its really like being a new mom, the good the bad and the ugly. Make this a place of reassurance that you are not a horrible parent for losing your temper when your toddler drew pretties on your new car with a rock. We are, after all, only human.


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