The stay at home blues

Today's been one of those days. Actually, it's been one of those weeks. The ones that you worried about when you decided to be a SAHM. The day's that just seem so so long.....

I'll paint you a picture....although there doesn't seem to be a need for that since I put up an actual picture...The place isn't dirty, per se, but lived in. Singing in the rain is on tv, the balloons I gave the girls yesterday are laying quietly in the corner by the records. The enchantment and thrill that accompanies new experiences subsided almost as quickly as it began when I blew up that first balloon. They wander aimlessly around our house playing with old standbys; a clean diaper liner, an empty formula tin a-la bongo, that cardboard box I made them several weeks ago and recently decided to add windows too.

The days that really do seem to just bleed into each other, when everyone is plain bored. We even made a trek out to the Zoo yesterday! Was it yesterday...? Maybe it was Wednesday. Wait, what day is it? 

I don't regret staying home, if that's what it sounds like. I'm just saying there are days where you just don't want to go to work, but have to suck it up and do it anyways. Why can't we just lay on our couch's in our snuggie's eating bonbons and watching soaps all day like society THINKS we do? Maybe it's time to start living up to my stereotypes standards, as deemed by the masses...or maybe I just need to get off my laptop and try to come up with something that will entertain us all for 45 minutes until they're ready for another nap. May the force be with you, SAHMs. I don't know what that means...I hope this grey day doesn't have you trapped inside for the 3rd(4th?) day in a row with bored little minds. If it does, well at least we can all suffer in solidarity! 


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