Give a lot, get a little

I think it's universal knowledge that when you become a parent, you have to make sacrifices. Those sacrifices range from minuscule to grandeous, more often than not it's the aforementioned. We may not even notice the sacrifices we're making until all of a sudden you're starving or your bladders about to burst! These sacrifices are made with love as the main intent, there's no resentment, it couldn't be any other way! 

This is one of those moments where you realize that all those feelings you have right now as a mother, your very own mother also felt when you were small. She made sacrifices, some small and some big, and I doubt I'll every fully know the gravity of those sacrifices. It's not to know, for a child, the sacrifices their mother has made on their behalf, and there lies the beauty of this selflessness. 

I think one sacrifice my mother made that I do know of, is her shoes. I imagine she felt a lot like I do about my own shoes. It's just costly enough, and just low enough on the priority list, that my shoes have become an under sight. I don't think I'd notice it so much if it wasn't one of the first things people noticed about me. My shoes! Silly. 

Let me break this down for you. I would sacrifice my very last breath for those girls, and never think of it twice. Don't feel bad for me, or other moms, for the way we chose to make sacrifices. It's a job willfully and almost instinctually done, not to mention the payouts are great! The unflinching love of a tiny human whom you'd walk off a cliff for, and so many many wonderful memories to fill your heart with.


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