Nailed It!

You know what I'm talking about. You log innumerable hours cruising through Pinterest to find inspiration for your little ones birthday party, only to be faced by the cold hard truth that you're only human. We fail, and that's where all these laughable "Nailed it!" pictures come from. How was I supposed to know I'd be stricken by the plague only days before their birthday party? I have my hazmat suit on standby for when I finally attempt to make those gourmet finger sandwiches I pinned to go with their Alice in Wonderland themed tea party. Why does it even matter? I'm well aware that they're turning one, and that the only memory they'll have of this day is from the pictures taken to immortalize it. So really, why the hell do I care?! 

So at this moment I flip Pinterest the bird, for being so irresistible and simultaneously unreachable for busy moms with great expectations. I appreciate the irony in all of this, though. Life had to give me a little reminder to just let go a little and roll with it. My mom reminded me yesterday that life is what happens when you're making plans. I think every mama could use this reminder. We hold ourselves to pretty high standards, but at the end of the day, all our babies want is their mama! Greasy hair or no, spit up stains and all. 

And now, for your viewing pleasure, here are a few of my favorite "Nailed it" pictures....


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