Dating after baby

I'm sure there's probably an app for this, there's apps for giving your dog facial hair, so I can't see why not. But it feels weird. Putting out a personal ad, looking for mom friends. Of course you can go join local mom groups, and sometimes you'll find that special someone that you can see yourself riding off into the desert sunset with like Thelma and Louise. This is rare in my limited experience, and I just want a mom friend that I can totally let lose with and drink mimosas or beer together while our significant others BBQ/baby wear/watch the kids. It just works in my mind. 

Where is my mommy soulmate? And that's not even enough, I want her fella to be friends with my fella, and our kids to be friends. We can go on family vacations together and tour as a family folk band. Brewpub lunches while the kids play, talking shop about the kids and bitching about the men in our lives while we casually saunter through the zoo. Sunday pedicures while the kids have band practice with the guys. I feel a romantic comedy brewing here, but do you get where I'm going? I'm at a point in my life where I know what I want, but I feel like having these "standards" makes me a slightly bad person....but is it so wrong to want a deep, meaningful friendship in a sea full of friends and aquaintances? I have DOZENS of acquaintances, I think mostly because my kids are so cute. I'm still yearning for a gal pal that can fill the role of BFF. 

So without much further ado, I present to you my own personal ad.

Louise searching for her Thelma

Looking for a fellow mom best friend. I'm talking no judgement but a complete understanding and sense of mutual respect best friend. I'm talking bury a body with me best friend (not really...). Intelligent, grammar anal (please don't silently judge this post), laid back momma that doesn't freak out about their kids eating dirt type gal. In our family, we laugh and chase, we cry it out, we formula feed, we throw our kids around on the couch, we cloth diaper, we vaccinate, and the biggest thing is we don't judge other moms for how they raise their family. We like the same kind of people. 

We enjoy polite conversations about current events, and poop jokes. I craft the shit out of everything around me, ie: terrariums, garlands, paintings, cranes, etc. Ed plays guitar, drinks beer, and will talk to you for much longer than you ever wanted to about physics, math, and auto mechanics. It may be best if your fella likes at least one of those things, that's normally all it takes for guys....

I love socializing, eating, not working out (unless you boulder!), karaoke, and not being stuck in the house for more than three days. Think you're the one? Think you're family has what it takes? Our babies are ok too. Just kidding, they're rad! We're pretty dry around here, so if that's confusing this may not work...


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