Being Prego II

I have always considered myself a "go-getter" kind of gal. I enjoy not only feeling self sufficient, but the act of being self sufficient. Running errands has become an expertise of mine; Normally making several stops whilst grocery shopping so as to get the best deals on everything, visiting with friends, making it to necessary appointments and engagements and still having the time and energy to make dinner. It makes me feel good at the end of a busy day, and while they may seem like small accomplishments to others, I feel productive and happy with myself. During my first trimester all that slowly dissipated; If I wasn't working I was taking a nap or kicking my feet up on the couch crying over What to Expect When Expecting whilst single handedly devouring an entire bag of Pirate Booty.

Week 14 roles around, and I rejoice the day I am no longer in my first trimester of pregnancy! Yay to no more nausea, throwing up in inappropriate places, fatigue old Rip Van Winkle knows nothing about, and mood swings can take a vacay till later! I am once again a force to be reckoned with, only better, I'm a mean baby growing machine times two! Honestly, the second trimester is a cake walk compared to the nightmare that is the first trimester....but. Yes, there is a but. I want to throw a disclaimer down on the ground right now, or rather apology, to any singleton mothers that may take offense to this statement....because 1. I don't want to be crossing any pregnant women, and 2. Pregnancy is hard, no matter what..... but that magical burst of energy your supposed to get in the second trimester never really came for me. If it did come, it was fleeting. I mean, whenever I have to go upstairs for something, I feel like I'm staring up at the tip of Everest. I have actually fainted upon reaching the top of my staircase. Granted, I was dancing up the stairs like a fool to Billy Idol, but I fainted nonetheless....which has never happened before. Making two babies is hard. I'm quite bigger than most other women who are as far along as I am, some of them don't even look pregnant yet! In my nursing support group I was definitely the largest belly in the room by a lot....and everyone in my group is due in March. The other day I experienced my first round of Braxton Hicks. Not sure how early other mommies-to-be started having theirs, but it happened three times that day because I didn't listen to my body and stop to rest when I needed to. The looming possibility of complications like pre-term labor, pre-eclampsia and bed rest have scared me into starting an infinitely boring relationship with my sofa. I read, I watch movies, I make an obscene amount of paper cranes....I hate feeling so tired.

This brings me to the biggest struggle I have personally encountered so far during my pregnancy; Owning up to my new physical limitations. As a person that defines herself as a "go-getter", and one who has lived a fairly active lifestyle up until present, it's extremely frustrating to not be able to do simple things like carrying more than one bag of groceries home at a time(or dancing up the stairs to Billy Idol). If I do decide to venture out into the real world, something I've always fancied and gain great pleasure from, I can only stay out as long as my body will allow me too. Unfortunately, my body is not in tune with my desires at the moment. I'm sure a lot of mothers out there are thinking "Well duh!", but it's true that I have COMPLETELY sacrificed my physical self to these babies. I guess I just didn't realize the gravity of how true that statement was until now.

On the up side, I finally look pregnant rather than like I ate too much Ben and Jerrys(define too much). Another plus, since about week 18 I've been able to feel those magical little flutters of movement in my tummy, and since about week 21 I feel them kicking and punching and doing kung fu all day long.....and all night. They get kind of bossy sometimes if I'm laying on my side and they don't have enough room, giving me a couple pokes in the side as if to say "Ma, get off my face!". Hormones do seem to be at bay though, which is nice. I'm not a terribly emotional person, so being weepy over every little thing was super annoying! I will admit that every time I hear that first cry in the delivery videos I've watched, thanks to my handy Pregnancy App, I get a little sensitive. I still get indigestion every time I eat, but I've honestly gotten used to it and I think it's also partly because I stopped babying what I ate to avoid said indigestion....because it happens no matter what.

Alright, since I strayed from my original list format, and I do so love making lists :), I have decided to compile a list of belly grabbing/remark rules, so here you go!

1. If you linger for more than five seconds while feeling the belly, I will most likely be uncomfortable. This is especially true if you make direct and unfaltering eye contact with me, and even more so if you begin to either drool or whisper.

2. If I don't know you and you grab my belly, I will grab your belly in return. "Yeah I'm having twins, 22 weeks. How far are you? Oh, just burritos....oops."

3. Asking is always appreciated. If I say no, get over it! Time to learn about consent, folks.

4. No matter how true it is, I would rather my belly was not referred to as a "Wide Load". This has happened once, and if you are reading this I forgive you ;) Just don't do it again, I'm fragile.

5. If whatever you're planning to say about my belly's size starts with "This is probably inappropriate...." why in God's name would you finish said statement? Just don't, you CAN control yourself.

Most of these things have happened, with the exception of a stranger grabbing my belly...thank goodness! I have heard horror stories from various and different people who have had others make just downright rude remarks about their belly. We are carrying humans in our bodies, what's your excuse?! It is a beautiful experience I will say, however it also takes its toll on a woman's psyche and how she sees herself...maybe not all, but you never know who is affected or in what ways. If you see a pregnant lady with a big round tummy, compliment her glow or even how cute the belly is, but don't ask if she's having twins (unless you know), and certainly don't compare giving birth to "dropping a load" gross. This is my public service to pregnant women everywhere!

I guess that about wraps it up, sorry for getting a little ranty there towards the end, but it had to be said! If things dramatically change within the remainder of my second trimester, I'll be sure to tack it on. Until next time, darlings!


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