I'm literally taking this way too literally!

Being a stay at home mom doesn't mean I actually have to stay at home. A hard lesson that's taken me over a year to learn. In that amount of time I became so accustomed to staying indoors, at the homestead, that I grew more and more intimidated by the notion of actually getting out! Lack of exposure, which then becomes the unknown, leads to fear. How does one break that fear? It's simpler than you think. By facing that fear and realizing that the only power it has over you is the power you gave it. There is a quote, "The only thing to fear, is fear itself". It's a great quote, because fear is a representation of a lack of understanding. Not to say that if you're afraid of something you must be an idiot, but rather that more than likely you're projecting your own ideas onto the thing you fear for a lack of unbiased information. We all fear the things we cannot understand, but deep down everyone is capable of understanding, so long as they can keep an open mind. I'm getting off track here....

I've been doing a lot of things that scare me lately. All in the best way possible! Only in a way that truly living in the moment can accomplish. Facing my fears of the unknowns, the possibility of failure and total humiliation; something I've never struggled with so frequently as this point in my life, has helped me to grow. When I climbed that wall for the first time last week, I felt fear. Fear of what? Falling? The wall is 15 feet tall and there's a crash pad beneath me. I've fallen many times before and I was fine, I enjoyed it, even! And so I fell. Then I got up, and climbed some more. 

In my journey to finding myself, I've discovered one thing that is desperately important to me and how I wish to live my life. I want to learn as much as I can about as much as I can, through experience, through other people, through introspection and the world. I never want to stop living for one minute, so long as I'm on this earth! I lost sight in the chaos that accompanies the transition into motherhood. Being a stay at home mom had become a sentence, and I was the judge. I guess this is a bit redundant, being that I just posted about something fairly similar. It's just that I had to share this revelation. Life will happen around you whether you join in or not. Being afraid of your kids throwing a tantrum and people judging you, being afraid of looking or feeling like a failure will cripple you. Only through failure can we grow through our experiences. 
So don't be afraid, face your fear and conquer it! Being a stay at home mom isn't a life sentence to binge watching Sitcoms and staying at the house all the time, it's whatever you make of it. Show your children the world; how to fail and get back up again, and again, and again. How to always have a thirst for knowledge and new experiences. Do it for yourself. See the world again through their eyes, learn how to be curious. You'll never regret it. 


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